-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Christmas Extravaganza at Christ Cathedral
From: Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange <Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Orange@rcbo.addr2.com>
To: praisetrinitygod@gmail.com
CC: null
OC Catholic
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doesn't the CHRIST CATHEDRAL walk of faith website work any more ? CHRIST CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL LIED TO US . SHAME on Diocese of Orange
http://walkoffaith.christcathedralcalifornia.org/ the new owners of the Crystal Cathedral (now Christ Cathedral) is the Catholic Diocese ...
“The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”
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Monday, December 21, 2015
(But it costs $35) Fwd: Christmas Extravaganza at Christ Cathedral
These catholic churches like having special banquts etc but they always charge high prices. Its not fair for those of modest means who attend regularly & tithe ,but can't justify paying $35 or more for something like this (& I'm not talking about me)